Frequently Asked Questions
Once I Submit My Information How Long Will It Take To Set Me Up?
We ask that you do not set time frames on setting up, as we will do our best to set up like minded people and maybe you join today, however someone like you may need more time before they join Match Me 123.

We Therefore ask our Members to Spread the Word Privately So that it would help the Community.
How Many Matches Do I Get?
We will continuously match you as long as you have not mate the right person we will not stop searching for you.

Who Sees My Information and Photos?
Only Our Team of Professional Match Makers, And only Those who are asign to you based on your questionnaire answers, as we assign specialist based on their expertise.

What Is The Age Limit?
There is no age limit to sign up, however you can select the age range you would like to be matched with.

Example: Your 35, but you only want to be matched with age groups of 27-30. So as long as all other factors coincide, we will focus on your match in the age range of 27-35.

How Will I Be Contacted?
Once we reviewed your information, we will send you an email conformation, from that point forward we will contact you via cell phone and text (in the event you do not respond from the cell phone, we will email you).

How Can I Reach Out To You?
We left our email at the bottom of every page, send us an email and we will respond to you as soon as possible.  Once a Match Maker Team is on your case, they will reach out to you via cell phone and then you can communicate with your Match Maker.

Once I'm Matched And Happy What Happens With My Information?
We archive your information and it never gets release anywhere.

Will My Potential Matches Ever See My Information?
Once we contact you about your potential match, and you consent and they consent we will swap information to get the process started.

I'm Very Active In The Community And Want To Help?
We love to grow our team, we actually have 1-2 people joining us every week, if you are interested, we will interview you and we will take it from there, Just e-mail us about your interests.

I'm Very Active And Social, But When It Comes To One On One I Need A Little Guidance?
We love people who are confident enough to grow, therefore, if you need to sharping your skills for one on one telephone conversation or in person conversations, Make sure to let your Match Maker know and they will connect you with our Couching on Dating Team.

Once I Submit The Information What Should I Do Next?
Brush up your skills, read books on dating advice, read articles and books on having the right mindset, seek out mentors and make sure your grooming is in order. 
You Need A Sharp Body to Match Your Sharp Mind: So We advice to look over your wardrobe and try on your dating outfits.  If anything needs updating spend time planning.

Once I Submit The Information What Should I Do Next?
Never Stop Searching! Join other groups, go to social events.  Start talking to close friends and people around you. Just like professional athletes warm up before a big race or big game, so should you brush up on your communication skills.  Go on a few practice dates.  Talk to few people on the phone.  Watch, read and ask for advice on all your weak points.  
Thereby building confidence and strength.
Most importantly remember, the skills you obtain from dating will be the skills you need while your married.

For example: during marriage you want to be able to share your personal experience during the day and you want your future spouse to listen, same goes for your future spouse, they going to want to have someone listen to them and the patient skills you will have will aid for the rest of your life. 

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